楔尾鹱(英文名:Wedge-tailed Shearwater,学名:Ardenna pacifica),是鹱形目鹱科Ardenna的鸟类。俗名长尾水鸟、楔尾鹱。分布于印度洋和太平洋的热带和亚热带海域、台湾岛等地,常见于远洋的岛屿以及产卵于洞穴中。该物种的模式产地在太平洋克马德克群岛。
繁殖区: PO, IO : islets of tropical South Indian Ocean: Amirantes and Inner Is. (c, ne Seychelles) and Mascarenes (Malagasy region), Chagos and Cocos (Keeling) (se Indian Ocean), New Guinea region, and w Australia; islets of subtropical and tropical Pacific Ocean: e Australia including Torres Strait is. (ne Australia), Lord Howe and Norfolk is. (far e of Australia), Kermadec Is. (ne of North I., New Zealand); Solomon Is., Vanuatu and New Caledonia; Senkaku (=Pescadores Is.), Ogasawara (=Bonin Is.) and Iwo (= Volcano Is; s of Japan); throughout Micronesia and Polynesia (except Cook and Pitcairn groups); Northwestern and main Hawaiian Is.; and Revillagigedo Is. (far w of c Mexico)
非繁殖区: 至阿拉伯海海岸线,非洲西北部和 Malagasy东部,印度南部和Bay,Bengal印度洋热带,至seas,印尼群岛南部和东部,太平洋,至澳大利亚塔斯马尼亚州和waters北部,新西兰北岛(新西兰)和至waters沿海,太平洋东部北部从墨西哥下加利福尼亞州南部(墨西哥西北部)至巴拿马南部