流苏鹬(英文名:Ruff,学名:Calidris pugnax),是鸻形目丘鹬科滨鹬属的鸟类。自成一属。栖于源边沼泽地带。以软体动物、甲壳类、蠕虫、昆虫和大量的水生植物为食。分布于新疆、西藏南部,偶见于青岛、福州(旅鸟);福建、广东、台湾、广西(冬候鸟)。
繁殖区: PAL : low Arctic to temperate tundra and steppe of Palearctic: nw Europe from Belgium and Scandinavia s through n Ukraine, nw Kazakhstan, n Mongolia to far e Siberia
非繁殖区: AF, sw PAL, India : inland and coastal c, s Europe, Africa, Middle East, Indian subcontinent, se Asia, Philippines, ec China, Taiwan and c to s Japan; rarer Indonesian Arch.